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Biogreenscience Apple StemCell Magic of the Mountains Swiss apple

Biogreenscience Swiss Apple

Biogreenscience Swiss Apple

Speaking of apples, of course, we already know what the usefulness and goodness possessed by this fruit. In addition to containing vitamins A and C are good for the body, the fruit is also rich in fiber, which can create a healthier digestive organs.
A newspaper, circulating about this unique form of beautiful fruit. Therefore, a report states that there is a magic apple, which grows in the mountains in Northern Switzerland.

Why magic? Because, apples known as Biogreenscience Apple StemCell or Apple Collagen, has unique capabilities and beyond common sense. Reportedly, when the apple skin is still attached to the tree is scratched, scratch marks on the apples could disappear by itself, and apples can be restored.
In fact, when the apple is picked, the fruit can be more durable than other types of apples, without the use of chemicals. Incredible, is not it?

Another unique thing about this StemCell apples, make scientists curious, and do some research on it. The results show, this apple has a primary cell arrangement which has infinite vitality. According to the researchers, the content of this unique apple, beneficial to health, especially to stimulate the cells in the human body to be active.

“Functions for human health is, repair damaged cells, activate cells to sleep, regenerate cells, contain high antioxidant, reduces blackheads and acne, moisturize the skin, making the skin supple, preventing dryness and chapped skin, making skin beautiful and sparkling , enlightening and reject wrinkles. It also makes people look younger, “said Associate Director of Science soymilk, Larry Widjaja through release to VIVA.co.id, Wednesday, March 11, 2015.

This apple, now widely consumed in various forms, such as drinks, powders, and various other foods. Circulation of fruit that had captured the attention of the world, today has got to America, and several other countries.

Now, this apple will go to Biogreenscience Indonesia in the form of health products. This product was introduced as soymilk Science. This event is packed with a discussion that presents three speakers, each Prof. Dr Sven Gohla of Mibelle Group, Frederic Serres from Induchem Switzerland, and Andrie Wongso motivator. Ref: indo-biogreenscience.com


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